Friday, January 27, 2017

Local Man has to file civil suit for St.Paiul,MN police and Criminal Director todo Job Defended by Ramsey County Attorney Robert Roche

On Oct 21,2015 crime victim notify's Ramsey County's attorney office of a crime being committed against crime victim. Which was refereed to Ramsey county criminal director Richard Dusterhoft. In the notification the crime victim reported crime gave the suspects name and the damages this crime caused. In response to this Richard Dusterhoft states I should report said crime to police and I should " Avoid that establishment in the future" Which I am taking as it is OK for someone to commit a crime and cause great damages to the crime victim.

The crime victim reports said crime to St.Paul Police officer Daniel Lee who takes report but does not take all information including information already supplied to the Ramsey county attorneys office and Ramsey County Criminal Director Richard Dusterhoft that would solve the case. St.Paul CN#16-087772 in response 1 week later St.Paul police SGT. Jon Loretz says the case is still pending and to supply information already supplied to the county attorney office and criminal director Richard Dusterhoft that would solve the case.
June 2,2016 the crime victim then files a civil case against Ramsey County in order for them to do their job. In response to the civil complaint Robert Roche defends a crime in a civil suit and blames the crime victim in line 8 of legal response to the complaint. Stating " were caused by the plaintiff's own negligence,fault or wrongful conduct." Re victimizing the crime victim and as the letter from St,Paul police department states it is not solved and is still a pending criminal case. So if it is not solved and still open how could it be the crime victims fault as the Ramsey county attorney's Robert Roche states it is in legal response.

Feel free to call your public servants and ask them why they would not investigate properly into a crime,blame a crime victim or defend it in a civil case that could cost the tax payers money in a civil case.

St.Paul Police department Daniel Lee:651-266-9000 ext 71984
St.Paul Police department SGT.Jon Loretz 651-266-5958

Ramsey County Attorney's Office Robert Roche:651-266-3230

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

What to expect ot of the St,paul,mn Police and Ramsey co,mn attorneys office

On Oct 21,2015 crime victim notify's Ramsey County's attorney office of a crime being committed against crime victim. Which was refereed to Ramsey county criminal director Richard Dusterhoft. In the notification the crime victim reported crime gave the suspects name and the damages this crime caused. In response to this Richard Dusterhoft states I should report said crime to police and I should " Avoid that establishment in the future" Which I am taking as it is OK for someone to commit a crime and cause great damages to the crime victim.

The crime victim reports said crime to St.Paul Police officer Daniel Lee who takes report but does not take all information including information already supplied to the Ramsey county attorneys office and Ramsey County Criminal Director Richard Dusterhoft that would solve the case. St.Paul CN#16-087772 in response 1 week later St.Paul police SGT. Jon Loretz says the case is still pending and to supply information already supplied to the county attorney office and criminal director Richard Dusterhoft that would solve the case.

June 2,2016 the crime victim then files a civil case against Ramsey County in order for them to do their job. In response to the civil complaint Robert Roche defends a crime in a civil suit and blames the crime victim in line 8 of legal response to the complaint. Stating " were caused by the plaintiff's own negligence,fault or wrongful conduct." Re victimizing the crime victim and as the letter from St,Paul police department states it is not solved and is still a pending criminal case. So if it is not solved and still open how could it be the crime victims fault as the Ramsey county attorney's Robert Roche states it is in legal response.

Feel free to call below tax payers employee s and ask why the would defend that in a civil case at tax payers expense?

St.Paul Police department Daniel Lee:651-266-9000 ext 71984
St.Paul Police department SGT.Jon Loretz 651-266-5958

Ramsey County Attorney's Office Robert Roche:651-266-3230

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